The Lunduke Journal Videos (2024)

Every video published by The Lunduke Journal during 2024, DRM free.
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Included files

2024-05-15 Did Lunduke just scare The Register off Twitter?.mp4 (125 MB)
2024-05-20 The Open Source Community is Neither "Open" nor a "Community".mp4 (103 MB)
2024-05-15 What the Fart is a Byte?.mp4 (136 MB)
2024-05-15 Titus in the Hotseat on "Lunduke: The Alex Jones of Linux".mp4 (286 MB)
2024-05-24 What is a good Linux Distro in 2024?.mp4 (41 MB)
2024-05-13 The Register spins to protect Red Hat in discrimination lawsuit.mp4 (257 MB)
2024-05-21 Microsoft, Mozilla, & Red Hat: A.I. and Political Advocacy is the future of computing.mp4 (76 MB)
2024-05-22 End of the Internet? Dead Internet Theory + Disappearing Content = Rut Roh.mp4 (87 MB)
2024-05-29 EFF says: Don't stop kids from looking at porn!.mp4 (305 MB)
2024-05-30 The GNOME 5 Year plan: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Nonexistent PowerPoint Slides.mp4 (119 MB)
2024-05-31 Lunduke reads YouTube Comments.mp4 (156 MB)
2024-06-04 The Tech Industry Hates You.mp4 (143 MB)
2024-06-07 Leaked documents from Disney's Club Penguin (Over 800 MB).mp4 (187 MB)
2024-06-03 Google Drive censors files of Pfizer whistleblower.mp4 (259 MB)
2024-06-07 New York Times Source Code Leaked (and verified).mp4 (42 MB)
2024-06-12 Open Source A.I. Definition to include Closed, Secret Data.mp4 (222 MB)
2024-06-13 Mozilla Caves to Criticism, Unblocks Firefox Extensions in Russia.mp4 (63 MB)
2024-06-17 Internet Archive: The Largest Software Piracy Website.mp4 (238 MB)
2024-06-11 Mozilla's War on the Open Internet.mp4 (50 MB)
2024-06-18 Mozilla Sued for Discrimination by CEO-To-Be.mp4 (276 MB)
2024-06-19 Connecting the Dots: What the Heck is Happening at Mozilla?.mp4 (86 MB)
2024-06-21 IBM Sued by State of Missouri for Racist Hiring Practices.mp4 (216 MB)
2024-06-25 Linux Sucks 2024.mp4 (126 MB)
2024-07-05 Ladybird Web Browser Developer Attacked by Unhinged, Dishonest Activists.mp4 (67 MB)
2024-07-15 GNOME Shaman Out as Executive Director After 9 Months on the Job.mp4 (85 MB)
2024-07-22 GNOME Ousts Elected Board Member in Secret, Tells Nobody for 2 Months.mp4 (110 MB)
2024-08-05 Open Source is Not Inclusive.mp4 (106 MB)
2024-08-19 Procreate Dev: "I really BEEPing hate generative AI".mp4 (50 MB)
2024-08-27 Zuck Regrets Censoring Facebook at Request of Democrats.mp4 (125 MB)
2024-09-16 Google AI Notebook Turns Documents into Fake Podcasts with Fake Hosts Having Fake Discussions.mp4 (110 MB)
2024-09-19 Oracle, Microsoft, BlackRock Building Dystopian AI Future.mp4 (45 MB)
2024-09-26 Privacy Watchdog Group Attacks Mozilla for Firefox User Tracking.mp4 (102 MB)
2024-10-04 The Redot (Godot Fork) Launch X Space -- with Q & A.mp4 (215 MB)
2024-10-08 Best Alternatives to Woke Software.mp4 (98 MB)
2024-10-10 Facebook Developed Custom Portal to Help Biden Administration Censor Americans.mp4 (134 MB)
2024-10-16 Winamp Source Code Repo Deleted.mp4 (38 MB)
2024-10-18 Which is Most Evil: Snap, Flatpack, or AppImage?.mp4 (1.5 MB)
2024-10-22 Twitch Bans All of Israel, Un-Bans Anti-Jewish Terrorists.mp4 (39 MB)
2024-10-24 Remembering When Obama Declared Linux Users "Extremists".mp4 (138 MB)
2024-11-06 GIMP 3.0 RC Released!.mp4 (22 MB)
2024-11-19 DOJ: Google Must Sell Off Chrome.mp4 (39 MB)
2024-11-26 elementary OS 8 is the DEI Linux Distro.mp4 (48 MB)
2024-12-06 Lunduke v. ChatGPT - "Cease Making Defamatory Statements".mp4 (40 MB)
2024-12-09 GNOME & KDE Team Up on Paid Flathub Software Store.mp4 (93 MB)
2024-12-12 The End of Physical Media is Here (and That Sucks).mp4 (96 MB)
2024-12-12 Linux Foundation Drops Linux Spending to Historic Lows in 2024.mp4 (220 MB)
2024-12-10 Microsoft Lessening TPM Requirement for Windows 11?.mp4 (75 MB)
2024-12-10 Inaccurate Computing: AI, Quantum, & The Error-Filled Future.mp4 (63 MB)
2024-12-10 Al "Slop" Bug Reports Hurting Python, Curl, & Other Open Source Projects.mp4 (212 MB)
2024-12-06 The "Code of Conduct" Must Die.mp4 (67 MB)
2024-12-06 Firefox Maker Rebrands as "Global Crew of Activists".mp4 (68 MB)
2024-12-04 KDE Goes Nagware (And Income Skyrocketed).mp4 (54 MB)
2024-12-03 The Quest to Remove My Name From ChatGPT.mp4 (58 MB)
2024-12-03 Notepad++ Has "Anti-Elon Musk" Release.mp4 (26 MB)
2024-12-02 Solved: Why ChatGPT Will Not Say "David Mayer".mp4 (39 MB)
2024-12-01 Banned C++ Contributor Speaks Out.mp4 (69 MB)
2024-11-29 Google Accuses Microsoft of "Dark Patterns" with Edge Browser on Windows.mp4 (57 MB)
2024-11-27 Deno v. Oracle: JavaScript Trademark Dispute.mp4 (47 MB)
2024-11-25 Linux Code of Conduct Board Officially Bans Developer for "Insufficient" Groveling.mp4 (47 MB)
2024-11-25 C++ Standards Contributor Banned For Using Word "Question".mp4 (49 MB)
2024-11-22 Firefox Has 9 Months of Income Left (Possibly Less).mp4 (76 MB)
2024-11-21 Linux Code of Conduct Board Blocks File System Changes.mp4 (91 MB)
2024-11-20 The Pokemon Go Spying Conspiracy Theory? Yeah. It's Verified..mp4 (53 MB)
2024-11-19 Mozilla's "Dreams" Do Not Include Firefox ... or Even Web Browsing.mp4 (40 MB)
2024-09-07 Internet Archive Takes Another Step Towards Death.mp4 (84 MB)
2024-09-10 The Self-Destruction of Open Source Software.mp4 (372 MB)
2024-09-11 Mozilla Bets the Future of the Web is A.I. Generated Content.mp4 (241 MB)
2024-09-11 The Worst Part of Open Source: The Community.mp4 (173 MB)
2024-09-13 A.I. Now Convincingly Replicates a Person's Handwriting... and it's Just as Creepy as it Sounds..mp4 (205 MB)
2024-09-12 The Register Runs Cover for CIA-Backed Smartphone Game.mp4 (155 MB)
2024-09-16 FreeCAD 1.0: The Most Important Linux Release of 2024.mp4 (96 MB)
2024-09-16 EFF: Calling for Genocide of Jews is OK, but Republicans Protesting is a Crime.mp4 (140 MB)
2024-09-17 Exploding Pagers & The Case for a Secure Supply Chain.mp4 (196 MB)
2024-09-17 MIT Uses AI Chatbots to Brainwash You.mp4 (48 MB)
2024-09-18 Nextcloud Releases Version 9 of Self-Hosting Platform.mp4 (161 MB)
2024-09-18 The Next Kings of Linux: Shannon & Steve.mp4 (63 MB)
2024-09-20 Linux has Real-Time now. What the fart does that actually mean?.mp4 (43 MB)
2024-09-23 Microsoft, Oracle, Amazon & the Nuclear Powered Data Center.mp4 (133 MB)
2024-09-23 Trump vs Harris on Computer Tech Policies.mp4 (72 MB)
2024-09-25 Severe (9.9 ⧸ 10) Linux Vulnerability Announced, Details Kept Secret.mp4 (53 MB)
2024-09-24 Linux on C64, 8086, & Intel 4004.mp4 (54 MB)
2024-09-24 Telegram Will Now Give Personal Data to Governments & Use AI to Moderate Content.mp4 (44 MB)
2024-09-26 Rust Compiler Not Stable Enough for Linux Kernel Development.mp4 (70 MB)
2024-09-26 The "9.9" Linux Vulnerability Revealed: It's The Printers.mp4 (66 MB)
2024-09-27 New California Law: Digital Stores Cannot Say "Buy" When They Mean "License".mp4 (121 MB)
2024-09-27 Window Shopping for Retro Computers.mp4 (252 MB)
2024-09-30 Godot Game Engine Enacts Mass "Cleansing" of Non-Woke Supporters.mp4 (77 MB)
2024-09-30 Godot Responds to Mass Banning - No Apology, Blames Banned Users.mp4 (278 MB)
2024-08-01 Official GNOME Policy: Link to Lunduke, Get Banned.mp4 (70 MB)
2024-08-03 Lunduke Does Not Ban Any Tech Organization or News Outlet.mp4 (351 MB)
2024-08-05 GNOME Foundation Helps The Lunduke Journal Hit Record Subscription Numbers.mp4 (44 MB)
2024-08-12 Python Bans Prominent Dev for Enjoying the Wrong SNL Sketch.mp4 (79 MB)
2024-08-13 Is This The End of Mozilla? If So, Is That a Bad Thing?.mp4 (85 MB)
2024-08-14 Intel Assigns Jewish Israeli Employee to Manager Who Publicly Calls for His Murder.mp4 (75 MB)
2024-08-15 Netflix managers "will not hire this white guy because we have too many white people".mp4 (77 MB)
2024-08-15 New Downsizing from Dell, Intel Push 2024 Tech Layoffs Over 150,000.mp4 (71 MB)
2024-08-21 Yet Another Lawsuit Against IBM for Racial Discrimination.mp4 (49 MB)
2024-08-22 Total Linux Desktop PCs Now Over 56 Million.mp4 (81 MB)
2024-08-23 Inclusivity Activists are Destroying Open Source.mp4 (113 MB)
2024-08-26 The Specific Charges Against the Telegram CEO.mp4 (109 MB)
2024-08-27 Is A.I. Programming Really the Future?.mp4 (75 MB)
2024-08-29 Pop!_OS Lead: Linux Developers are “Patronizing Pedantic Megalomaniacs”.mp4 (71 MB)
2024-04-01 If Big Tech had their way The Lunduke Journal would be out of business already.mp4 (118 MB)
2024-04-01 Lunduke takes the YouTube vaccine brainwashing... I mean "Medical Misinformation Training" session..mp4 (56 MB)
2024-04-02 Which Operating System has the Most Vulnerabilities?.mp4 (137 MB)
2024-04-03 DOS Week Part II Begins!.mp4 (33 MB)
2024-04-05 "If this one guy got hit by a bus, the world's software would fall apart.".mp4 (166 MB)
2024-04-08 Crazy Tech People Who Hate Lunduke - Part I.mp4 (94 MB)
2024-04-08 Myth: Bill Gates said "640k ought to be enough for anybody".mp4 (74 MB)
2024-04-09 The War on Meritocracy in Tech.mp4 (91 MB)
2024-04-10 Myth: "HTML was invented by Tim Berners-Lee".mp4 (147 MB)
2024-04-11 Red Hat vs Hyprland: Silencing political "undesirables".mp4 (56 MB)
2024-04-15 The Lunduke Journal gets a little Political!.mp4 (287 MB)
2024-04-17 The Ramifications of Red Hat's Racism.mp4 (136 MB)
2024-04-17 Sometimes the worst gadgets... are the best. The Humane AI Pin..mp4 (172 MB)
2024-04-27 Microsoft Releases DOS 4.0 Source Code... but it Doesn't Compile!.mp4 (173 MB)
2024-04-25 The Internet Archive's Last Stand.mp4 (185 MB)
2024-04-28 Find a Factual Error in The Lunduke Journal articles... I dare ya..mp4 (95 MB)
2024-04-29 Is the GNOME Foundation Going to Go Bankrupt in 1 Year?.mp4 (437 MB)
2024-01-02 Lunduke's 5 Tech Predictions for 2024.mp4 (55 MB)
2024-01-04 Untitled Nerdy Chat Show - Chris Fisher, Wendell Wilson, & Rob Braxman - Jan 03, 2024.mp4 (500 MB)
2024-01-11 Forking Linux -- with DistroTube & Brodie Robertson.mp4 (82 MB)
2024-01-13 70% of companies on the Linux Foundation Board are GPL violators..mp4 (69 MB)
2024-01-26 Where have all the Tech Journalists gone?!.mp4 (92 MB)
2024-02-07 The Dirty Secret of Big Tech Advertising (it's all about buying Tech Journalists).mp4 (260 MB)
2024-02-16 Mozilla Miracles: New CEO, Layoffs, & Actual Press Coverage.mp4 (85 MB)
2024-02-16 The Open Source Leftist Strategy: Silence and Bully.mp4 (50 MB)
2024-02-29 Command Line Week (Part II) Begins!.mp4 (17 MB)
2024-03-05 KOSA is not the end of the Internet. Take a deep breath..mp4 (81 MB)
2024-03-05 No. Linux does not have 4% marketshare. Hate to break it to ya..mp4 (44 MB)
2024-03-06 The Legend of the Michelangelo Virus of 1992.mp4 (90 MB)
2024-03-08 The Great Tech Industry Survey of 2024.mp4 (64 MB)
2024-03-12 Do politics influence Web Browser choice? Yes. In a big way..mp4 (69 MB)
2024-03-12 Tabs more popular than Spaces. But Spaces users are happier..mp4 (121 MB)
2024-03-13 Linux Foundation says when they used to attack Microsoft... they were actually trying to kill Sun..mp4 (109 MB)
2024-03-13 Why create a new Desktop Environment that looks like GNOME?.mp4 (121 MB)
2024-03-14 43% of Left-wing nerds support the ban of opposing political ideas.mp4 (109 MB)
2024-03-14 Trans, Misgendering being "literal violence", Tinkerbell Syndrome, and new studies.mp4 (44 MB)
2024-03-15 I criticized System76's Cosmic for recreating GNOME. I was wrong..mp4 (34 MB)
2024-03-18 Make Linux look like... ANYTHING..mp4 (139 MB)
2024-03-19 IBM laying off humans in favor of A.I..mp4 (92 MB)
2024-03-20 Computer Desktops haven't improved in a Quarter of a Century (at least).mp4 (39 MB)
2024-03-21 "Programmed in Rust" is not a feature.mp4 (44 MB)
2024-12-16 No. 2025 Won't Be The Year of The Linux Desktop..mp4 (143 MB)
2024-12-17 Mozilla Lawsuit from Former Executive Gets Jury Trial Date.mp4 (70 MB)
2024-12-17 openSUSE Unable to Find Board Candidates After Banning Conservatives.mp4 (79 MB)
2024-12-17 Wordpress Contributors Must Now Agree That _Pineapple is Delicious on Pizza_.mp4 (48 MB)
2024-12-19 ChatGPT Can Not Say _Bryan Lunduke_.mp4 (180 MB)
2024-12-19 Mozilla Executive Pay Doubles as Loss of 80% of Revenue Looms.mp4 (240 MB)
2024-12-21 Google Tells Courts How Google Should Be Punished (and Tried to Hide it).mp4 (236 MB)
2024-12-23 Wikipedia Spends $31 Million on _Racial Equity_ in 2024.mp4 (144 MB)
2024-12-28 Bluesky Bans Lunduke For Having Common Views.mp4 (121 MB)
2024-12-30 Microsoft Research Funds _Pronouns in Software_ Study.mp4 (203 MB)
2024-12-31 Dead Internet Theory is Facebook's New Business Model.mp4 (118 MB)

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